International Association for Mathematical Geosciences

Group and Third-party Memberships for 2024

This page allows you to pay for multiple (up to 25) memberships or renewals simultaneously. It also allows you to pay one or more memberships for others. This is ideal for groups of people wanting to make a single payment, or for individuals paying for a colleague. This is how it works:

1. Select the type of membership and quantity below. Renewals and new memberships can be lumped together. To order different kinds of membership (for example some regular members and some students) simply click on "add to cart" once for each kind of membership you want to add, providing the right quantity for each.
2. The person applying and making the payment must be an IAMG member (either already a member, or paying for membership as one of the group). If the applicant is already a member, he/she should not count him/herself in the quantity.
3. The payment must be followed by an email message to providing the Given Name, Family Name, and Email Address of every person who is applying. The number of entries in the list must exactly match the total number of memberships ordered. If more than one category of members was selected (for example some students and some regular), the list must also specify the kind of membership for each applicant.
4. Each new member must individually create their new account in the "Membership, Subscriptions" page by entering their personal information within 30 days of the original payment. Alternatively, the applicant can do this for each new member. This is not necessary for renewing members who already have their information on this site. Student members (whether new or renewing) must also submit their proof of enrollment in a university of acceptable academic standards. Proof may consist of a statement signed by a professor of the applicant. A student proof of enrollment form can be downloaded as part of the membership application form.
5. It is not possible to order journals or publications for multiple members. Any journals included in the same order will be shipped to the applicant only. However, if the applicant is responsible for the group, he/she may want to order one set of journals for the entire group, which will be shipped to the applicants address.

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  • Manufactured by: IAMG

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